The Obama administration and careerists within the intelligence community who are repulsed at the prospect of a President Trump – …
In the wake of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s second loss in seeking the presidency, the ‘mainstream media’ blamed it not …
Dan Goodin of Ars Technica writes that the DHS-FBI report on Russian hacking in 2016 “provides almost no new evidence …
It is not only on social media that these allegations come rolling in, but from news sources and from people …
Excuse the brevity of this entry, but there’s not enough time to detail all the evil that’s unfolding right now. …
The Obama administration, the Democratic Party and all the Left-wing power brokers in America are working overtime in their maniacal …
It really does seem like the system is going to play up this “Russian interference” line over the next week …
Earlier this week Congress made headway on what might be described as a Ministry of Truth bill. A measure in …
The Washington Post has finally committed its most desperate act of credibility suicide, publishing a blatantly false, fabricated story that …
Russia’s domestic security agency says it has arrested a retired navy officer in Crimea accused of spying for Ukraine. The …