race war
By Mary Wilder
Four thugs in custody after kidnapping disabled white teen and torturing him on Facebook Live
What could perhaps end up being the most disgusting news story of 2017 has already taken place, mere days into the fiscal year. In what sounds like the plot of a horror movie, a young woman named Brittany Herring posted a video on Facebook Live showing her and three of her friends smoking and attacking […]
By JD Heyes
ALL-OUT RACE WAR is the Democrats’ strategy to delay the election and implement martial law
In late July, Bugout.news posed the question: What would it take for President Obama to declare martial law before the November elections, thus suspending them and imposing martial law until whatever concocted emergency-slash-crisis subsided? One former top U.S. military commander, retired Gen. Tommy Franks, provided one horrifying possibility when he suggested in 2003 that a terrorist […]
By Mary Wilder
Social chaos and race wars are designed to usher in “reasonable tyranny” where Americans beg for martial law
Life in America just continues to get more and more tumultuous as all sorts of societal issues seem to arise with every passing day. Whether it be police brutality stemming from the growing racial tensions in America or the influx of radical Islamic ideals, there seems to be a never-ending cycle of violence, death and […]
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