News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Antifa “war encampment” found in Portland, housing agitators who emerge from tents each night to unleash CHAOS and violence
A shocking new video has surfaced that appears to show a tent city compound in Portland, Oregon, housing a large number of people who are descried as Antifa agitators who reportedly join in the nightly chaos and mayhem that’s systematically burning down the city of Portland. According to the video, shown below, this tent city […]
By Mike Adams
CHAOS comes to Washington: Lunatic, angry Leftists mob Sen. Rand Paul and other GOP members on the streets of D.C.
Last night, an angry lunatic mob of Leftists assaulted Washington D.C. police and tried to attack Sen. Rand Paul and other members of the GOP who had just attended President Trump’s RNC convention speech at the White House. The photos and videos below show the level of pure insanity and mind-wrenching lunacy to which left-wing […]
By Mike Adams
Pelosi declares Republicans to be “enemies of the state” and launches plan to seize the White House by force… the season of TREASON is here
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Demon-Calif.) has just declared Republicans to be “enemies of the state” and “domestic enemies,” further admitting her plan to seize the White House by force, followed by mass arrests of all GOP members and Trump supporters. During an MSNBC interview yesterday, she claimed, “the domestic enemies to our voting […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE: Private company offering “contract air support” using military jet fighters located in Lakeland, FL where live air-to-air missile was just found
As you may recall, a live radar-guided, air-to-air missile was found last week on the tarmac of the Lakeland, Florida airport. We analyzed the serial number and data details of this missile and found that it was a “Matra R530F” missile, made by French weapons contractors and designed to be used on French-made mirage fighter […]
By Mike Adams
Goodyear tire company declares “zero tolerance” for anyone who supports America, law enforcement or President Trump… but openly endorses BLM terrorism and LGBT child mutilation
The Goodyear tire company, a prominent U.S. manufacturer of tires and industrial products, has declared a “zero tolerance” policy for anyone who supports America, law enforcement or President Trump. At the same time, the company bans “Blue Lives Matter” messaging on shirts or hats, but openly allows “Black Lives Matter” terrorist support and LGBT messaging […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Live guided air-to-air missile discovered at Florida airport near Tampa; markings indicate a Matra R530F radar-guided missile that could bring down Air Force One
A live air-to-air, radar-guided missile was just discovered at the Lakeland Linder Airport in Florida, East of Tampa, and the airport was ordered to evacuate. We have analyzed the markings of the missile storage container and discovered this missile is a Matra R530F missile, which uses radar guidance and could be used to bring down […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation
We are now living in an era characterized by the total collapse of the rule of law. The deep state is run by lawless, treasonous criminals who will do anything to silence critics and whistleblowers, and when Millie Weaver (“Millennial Millie”) began releasing a new documentary film today called “Shadow Gate,” the deep state went […]
By Mike Adams
FEMA camps gearing up to provide necessary “slave wage” labor to U.S. corporations as manufacturing returns to America
Read your history and learn. You can’t have a significant manufacturing base in any nation without “slave wage” labor. It was China’s dirt-cheap labor (and horrific worker safety and environmental practices) that made China the manufacturing hub of the world over the last 40 years, but with the Trump administration now systematically severing ties with […]
By Mike Adams
Is treasonous FBI running BLM riots? Photos, videos appear to capture FBI agents playing roles of armed rioters
We already know the FBI, under James Comey, was a treasonous, criminal enterprise engaged in masterminding more terror plots across America than any other group, including radical Islamic terrorists. Under Comey, the FBI engaged in a treasonous coup attempt against President Trump. FBI officials altered 302 interview records, lied to the FISA court and later […]
By Mike Adams
ACTION BULLETIN: Prepare for all-out war against the Luciferians; prepare to remove all governors and mayors who are China puppets engaged in treason, DNC pedophile rings to be exposed
ACTION BULLETIN TO ALL PATRIOTS, CHRISTIANS AND PRO-HUMAN PLAYERS: Urgent actions items derived from multiple high-level sources, all of whom are sounding the alarm like never before: – Prepare for all-out war against the Luciferians who are waging a desperate spiritual war against humanity. They are about to be exposed. Vatican takedown. Demons will discard […]
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